DISC modelis vadītājiem | WIN partners

360 Evaluation for Managers

Assessment of managers' competencies according to the 360 degree method

asessement is recommended for middle and senior managers

the survey is conducted online

What is a 360 evaluation?

360 degree evaluation gives business managers the opportunity to receive structured and versatile feedback from their direct managers, subordinates, colleagues and even customers. During the survey, the manager’s behavior, knowledge, skills, experience, motivation and personality characteristics are evaluated.

The evaluation takes place online and can be anonymous, it can also be completed on mobile devices, while the questionnaire questions can be adapted to the needs of the organization and the purpose of the survey.

After the evaluation, we offer to create the manager’s individual development and growth plan, which includes the competencies to be developed, development goals and activities, as well as progress evaluation criteria.

Moreover, individual coaching sessions can be used to achieve the set goals more successfully and efficiently.

When do we recommend a 360 assessment for managers?

When it is needed to:

  • Accurately and objectively identify manager’s strengths and areas where development is needed
  • Create the manager’s individual development plan
  • Promote targeted training and self-development, based on the most important areas for improvement
  • Provide feedback to managers on their competencies

What do the participants of the assessment get?

  • Participants will compare their self-assessment with the assessment of their direct manager, colleagues and subordinates
  • Participants will determine their strengths and areas for improvement
  • Participants will receive an individual development plan

What are the benefits for the company?

  • Information on employee state on mind, satisfaction and engagement
  • Information on the existing level of competences for each manager individually and for the management team as a whole
  • Higher involvement of management and increased motivation