Antra Veigure

Leadership, HR and communication trainer
  • Antra VEIGURE is an experienced Business Trainer and Facilitator with extensive international experience in Human Resource Management
  • She brings a wealth of knowledge in executive, leadership, and organizational change management, with focus on individual growth and performance improvement
  • Antra holds certifications in Coaching, DISC Model, EASI Model, and Organizational Change Management. She is experienced and qualified in leadership through Cultural Difference aspects – bringing diverse teams and change processes to success in international environments

As a Business Trainer and Facilitator, Antra VEIGURE is skilled in leading various training and development topics:

  • Leadership Development: Antra can provide valuable methods and practical strategies for developing effective leadership skills. She can help individuals enhance their leadership capabilities and inspire their teams to achieve success
  • Organizational Change Management: With her expertise in change management, Antra can guide organizations through periods of transition. She can assist in developing change management strategies and facilitating smooth transitions for teams and individuals
  • Executive Development: Antra can work with executives to enhance their professional skills and capabilities. She can provide guidance on strategic thinking, decision-making, and effective communication to help executives excel in their roles
  • Team Building and Collaboration: Antra can lead workshops and activities that promote teamwork, collaboration, and effective communication within teams. She can help teams build trust, improve their problem-solving skills, and enhance overall productivity and alignment with company’s vision and goals
  • Personal Development: Antra’s practical presentation skills make her an excellent resource for personal development. She can provide individuals with tools and techniques to improve their communication skills, boost their confidence, and achieve their personal and professional success