Stresa un emociju vadība | WIN partners

Stress and Emotions Management

We help to learn practical methods and recovery techniques for stress management in everyday work. During the training, participants complete a test to assess their level of stress and burnout, analyze behavior in situations of change and stress, and select the most appropriate techniques for managing emotions

the training is recommended for teams that work in high-stress conditions and are subject to professional burnout

optimal number of participants: 10 employees

70% of the training curriculum are practical tasks

training duration: online 3,5h x 2, in-person 6h

When do we recommend the Stress and Emotions Management program?

  • the team should make decisions in conditions of uncertainty and stress
  • employees are regularly dealing with customer complaints
  • the team works remotely for a long time
  • there are signs of emotional burnout in the team, such as reduced productivity, employees are often ill, they fail to meet deadlines, the team has a negative emotional background

What is the program about?

It is an interactive training about how stress affects our performance and how to deal with it effectively. During the training, participants will learn why and when stress occurs, and what practical methods and recovery techniques help to prevent it in the short and long term.

The program provides answers the following questions:

  • what causes stress and how this can be identfied in employee behavior?
  • what are the four levels of emotional burnout and how to recognize them?
  • which type of people need to be especially careful about burnout?
  • what techniques help to cope with the emotional strain at work?
  • what techniques are not effective in combating stress?

In addition, participants will complete a test to assess their level of stress and burnout, as well as analyze their behavior in situations of change and stress. Participants will learn to use stress management techniques such as emotion management, thought control, visualization and awareness.

What are the benefits for training participants?

  • noticing early signs of stress and take quick prevention
  • learning about the long-term effects of stress on working life
  • learning different stress management techniques and understand which ones are best for them
  • learning techniques for quick calming and self-control of emotions

What are the benefits for the company?

  • emotionally stable, effective, healthy and motivated team